Indian religion and importance
Indian religion and importance, Indian religion is a mix of different culture and tradition. However, Indian is Hindus from last 10000 years because of its mythology and history. Hinduism is the base of ancient culture and tradition which is followed with love and peace. Most Indians see religious tolerance as a central part of what they are as a nation. Through the major religious groups, most people say it is very important to respect all religions to be “truly Indian.” And tolerance is a religious and civic value: Indians are united because respecting other religions is a very important part of what it means to be a member of their own religious community.
These shared values are accompanied with a series of beliefs that cross religious lines. Not only do most Hindus in India (77%) believe in karma, but also an identical percentage of Muslims. A third of Christians in India (32%) – along with 81% of Hindus – say they believe in the purifying power of the Ganges River, a central belief in Hinduism. In northern India, 12% of Hindus and 10% of Sikhs, along with 37% of Muslims, identity with Sufism, a mystical tradition more closely associated with Islam. And the vast majority of Indians from all major religious backgrounds say that respecting the elderly is very important to their faith.

Hinduism is the most popular religion in India. Identifying what constitutes Hinduism is difficult, with some suggesting that it is an encompassing term encompassing various religions and traditions within it. However, Hinduism in all its forms has been particularly influential in Indian society. Hinduism continues to thrive in modern India. Religion affects everyday life and social interactions between people through the many Hindu-inspired festivities, art works and temples. There is also a continuous revival of the classic narratives of the Ramayana (Journey of Rama) and Mahabharata epic through film and television. Krishna Lila is another popular tale among many villages.
Christianity is the third popular religion in India, followed mainly in the south and in Mumbai. The most important denomination of Christianity in India is Roman Catholicism, but there are also localized Christian churches (such as the Church of Northern India and the Church of Southern India). Converts to Christianity came mainly from traditionally disadvantaged minorities, such as lower castes and tribal groups.
Sikhism is a monotheistic religion which believes formless God. Religion focuses on a principle of service, humility and equality, encouraging its followers to try to help those less fortunate or needy. For example, it is common for Sikhs to offer food to those who visit a Gurdwara (the main place of worship for Sikhs). One of the most recognized symbols of the Sique community is a Sique turban (known as dastar) worn by many men and some women. Since the division of India and Pakistan, most Sikhs in India have resided in the Punjab region.
Jainism (Indian religion and importance)
Jainism also originated as a counter-movement that opposed some of the teachings and doctrines of early Hinduism. In modern India, Jains lay generally upholding the ethical principle of ‘Ahimsa’ (‘no harm’ or ‘no violence’). Jains community loves to support vegetarianism and animal welfare. Another common practice in the secular Jain community is SAMAYIKA, a meditative ritual intends to strengthen spiritual discipline. SAMAYIKA is often practices in a religious environment, such as a temple, in front of a monk, or in the house of one. Jains community resides in mostly, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
Buddhism originated as a counter-movement to early Hinduism, presenting a universal ethic rather than basing ethical codes on an individual’s caste. The central doctrine of Buddhism, known as the Four Noble Truths, teaches. It frees from the suffering that sustains the cycle of death and rebirth through practicing the Noble Eightfold Path. Buddhism has spread to India over the past 30 years. This is partly due to the increasing migration of Buddhist monks exiled from Tibet. However, its popularity has also increased because many of the ‘untouchable’ caste see. It is a viable alternative to Hinduism in contemporary Indian society. Most of the Buddhists live in Arunachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Sikkim, and Jammu and Kashmir.
Islam is the second most popular religion in India, influencing the society, culture, architecture and art of the country. The division of the subcontinent in 1947 led to the mass emigration of about 10 million Muslims to Pakistan. There are nearly as many Hindus and SIKH from Pakistan to India. This event has significantly changes the demographics of both countries and is heard continuously throughout India.